Heart Safe Home® Initiative - Saving Lives in Homes Across Australia


Heart Safe Australia's mission is to raise awareness and education about saving a life with the 3-Step Process during a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) out-of-hospital and by equipping homes across Australia with a Defibrillator


Did You Know?

In Australia approximately 30,000 people sustain a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) outside of a hospital and are treated by emergency medical services (EMS) each year.

That’s 575 Australians suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) every week and
ONLY 1 out of 10 WILL SURVIVE!

Also, 80% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in our homes!

Are you ABLE, WILLING and READY to Help?



Heart Safe Community® Initiative - Saving Lives in Communities Across Australia


Andrew Morello awarded entrepreneur joins Heart Safe Australia as an Ambassador and on our Advisory Board