Heart Safe Blog - Latest News
Heart Safe Vehicle™ Initiative - Saving Lives While on the Road Across Australia
Heart Safe Australia's mission is to raise awareness and education about saving a life with the 3-STEP Process during a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) outside-of-hospital and by equipping vehicles across Australia with a Defibrillators.
Heart Safe Neighbouhood® Initiative - Saving Lives in Neighbouhoods Across Australia
Heart Safe Australia's mission is to raise awareness and education about saving a life with the 3-STEP Process during a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) outside-of-hospital and by equipping Neighbourhoods across Australia with a Defibrillators.
New PROUD Ambassadors having lost a family member to a sudden cardiac arrest
Sisters Nicole and Shannon lost a well loved, fit and full of life uncle a couple years ago who suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) after exercising at the Manly Harbour.
Both sisters now support and promote the Heart Safe Australia programs to raise such awareness about the THREE VERY IMPORTANT STEPS ( 1. Call 000 2. CPR and 3. Shock - Defibrillator) in WA and across Australia.
NINE Heart Safe Australia Program Initiatives to Raise Awareness and Education about the THREE STEPS to SAVE a LIFE
NINE Heart Safe Australia Program Initiatives to Raise Awareness and Education about the 3-STEPS to potentially SAVE a LIFE in case of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) out-of-hospital and about the vital function that defibrillators can perform in potentially saving lives in communities across Australia
On average, 575 Australians suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) every week and ONLY 1 out of 10 WILL SURVIVE!
Are YOU able, willing and READY to HELP?
Health Minister Hon. Brad Hazzard Interview about the THREE STEPS to potentially save a life
Interview by Max Dagenais, founder of Heart Safe Australia with the Health Minister Hon. Brad Hazzard during the Restart a Heart morning event hosted by Heart Safe Australia and Surf Life Saving NSW.
Heart Safe Community® Initiative - Saving Lives in Communities Across Australia
Heart Safe Australia's mission is to raise awareness and education about saving a life with the 3-Step Process during a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) outside-of-hospital and by equipping Homes across Australia with a Defibrillator.
Heart Safe Home® Initiative - Saving Lives in Homes Across Australia
Heart Safe Australia's mission is to raise awareness and education about saving a life with the 3-Step Process during a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) out-of-hospital and by equipping homes across Australia with a Defibrillator.
Andrew Morello awarded entrepreneur joins Heart Safe Australia as an Ambassador and on our Advisory Board
Heart Safe Australia is VERY excited to have Andrew Morello, awarded entrepreneur, join Heart Safe Australia as an Ambassador and on the Advisory Board
Public Access Mindray Defibrillator Installed at the Very Busy Manly Wharf
A Mindray Public Access Defibrillator donated by Mindray Defibrillators in association with Heart Safe Australia has been installed at the very busy Manly Wharf, the water entrance to the beautiful Sydney Northern Beaches.
Mindray Defibrillators Donated to the Manly Wharf
A BIG THANK YOU to Mindray Defibrillators in association with Heart Safe Australia and specially Craig Spence for presenting a Public Access Defibrillator donation to the mayor of the Northern Beaches Michael Regan. Heart Safe Australia is raising awareness and education by creating Heart Safe Environments across Australia to save lives!
Quest Apartment Hotels at Manly Now a Heart Safe Hotel
Well done Mark and team at the Quest Apartment Hotels at Manly Wharf for receiving the Heart Safe Hotel Check from Heart Safe Australia for having processes and staff awareness ready in case of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) at Quest Apartments in beautiful Manly.
Pacific View Resort in Caloundra is the first Heart Safe Hotel
The Accommodation Association of Australia (AAoA) has recently launched the Heart Safe Hotels program in collaboration with Heart Safe Australia and Mindray Australia to save lives across Australia.
Woman saved after she suffered a heart attack on a rowing machine
An Australian woman has spoken out after she suffered a heart attack on a rowing machine last year and spent three days in a coma
RESTART A HEART morning at Manly Surf Club
WOW!!! What an AMAZING COMMUNITY and support for RESTART A HEART morning at Manly Surf Club (Manly Lsc) with Heart Safe Australia, Surf Life Saving NSW, Ambulance Service NSW State HQ, and Manly Police Station and Captain Kindness
3-Steps to Potentially Save a Life
3 Steps to Potentially Save a life in case of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) out-of-hospital while having access to a defibrillator.
Heart Safe Australia’s Mission
Heart Safe Australia’s Mission is to raise awareness and education about the 3-Steps to save a life in case of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) out-of-hospital.